Monday, October 3, 2011


When an object memory is being utilized by multiple objects and references in such case if NULL is assign to any of them still that memory can be utilized by others who are pointing the memory.
To test this rewrites the code under main method of class first as following.
First f1 = new First();
First f2 = f1;
f1 = null;
Console.WriteLine(f1.x); //invalid

whenever the object of a class is created internally following thing tack place.
  1. Reads the classes - in this process it identify each and every member i.e. defined in the class.
  2. Invokes the Constructors of classes.
  3. Allocate the required memory for execution.
Constructor It is a special method i.e. present in every class responsible for initializing the variable of class.
A constructor method will always have the same name of your class and it is non value returning.
Every class must and should required constructor in it, if it all, it has to execute. so a programmer must define a constructor in the class if not defined , on behalf of the programmer compiler tack the responsibility of defining constructor in the class while compilation .
If a class is defined as following:
Class Test
int x; string s; bool b;
After compilation it will be looking like as –
class Test
x = 0; s = null; b = false;
Note – Implicitly defined constructor will always be public.
We can also define a constructor explicitly as following –
[<modifier>]<NAME>([<param def’s>])
- stmts
Add a class ConDemo.cs and write the following :-
using System;
Namespace oopsProject
class ConDemo
void Demo()
static void Main()
ConDemo cd1 = new ConDemo();
ConDemo cd2 = new ConDemo();
ConDemo cd3 = cd2;
cd1.Demo(); cd2.Demo();

While creating the object of class we explicitly call the constructor of the class to execute .
ConDemo.cd1 = new ConDemo(); in this we are making the constructor.
- Each time we call the constructor of the class that many no. of times memory allocation is also takes 3place.
Constructors is two types 
  1. zero Argument / default constructor
  2. Parameterized constructor
If a constructor doesn’t have any parameters to it. It is default or zero argument constructors. These constructor can be defined either by a programmer or will be defined by compiler implicitly, provided the class doesn’t contain any constructor in it.
If a constructor has any parameter it is referred as parameterized constructor and these can be defined only by programmer explicitly
If a constructor is parameterized we need to send values to the parameters while creating object of class. To test this rewrites the constructor in our program ConDemo as following.
ConDemo(int x)
Console.WriteLine("constructor :" + x);
Now while creating the object under main we need to send values to the constructor as following
ConDemo cd1 = new ConDemo(10);
ConDemo cd2 = new ConDemo(20);
- Add the class Maths.cs and write the following .
using System;
namespace oopsProject
class Maths
int x, y;
Maths(int a, int b)
x = a;
y = b;
void Add()
Console.WriteLine(x + y);
void Sub()
Console.WriteLine(x - y);
void Mul()
Console.WriteLine(x * y);
void Div()
static void Main()
Maths obj = new Maths (100,50);
obj.Add(); obj.Sub();
obj.Mul(); obj.Div();
Whenever a class required any initialization values for its variable to execute we need to pass value to the variables using constructor of the class. In our above program the class required values to the variable x and y for execution of the four methods on the class. So using constructor we have send values to the variables, so that the method are getting executed.

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