Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Sealed Class a class which can’t be inherited by any other class is referred as a Sealed Class. To make a class Sealed we need to apply sealed modifier on it.

Syntax -
sealed class Class1
- members
class Class2 : Class1    // invalid

Note – a sealed class if required can be consumed from other classes by creating its object.

Sealed Methods 
       A method which cannot be overridden under a child class is referred as a sealed method. By default every method is sealed method because overriding a method is not possible unless it was declared as virtual.
            If at all a method is declared as virtual within a class any of its child class in the linear hierarchy has a chance to override the method.
class Class1
public virtual void Display()

class Class2 : Class1
public override void Display()

class Class3 : Class2
public override void Display()

A virtual method of a class can be sealed by its child class so that further overriding of the method by Childs of child class will not be possible.
class Class1
public virtual void Display()

class Class2 : Class1
public sealed override void Display()

class Class3 : Class2
public override void Display()        // invalid

Abstract Methods and Abstract Class –

Abstract Method - A method without any method body is referred as an abstract method, what it has, is only Declearetion of the method. We need to use abstract modifier to declare an abstract method.

Abstract Class - the class under which these abstract methods are declared is referred as abstract class. Need to declare the class also using abstract modifier.
abstract class Example   
public abstract void Add (int x , int y)

 the concept of abstract methods is near similar to the concept of method overriding, where in overriding if at all a class declared a method as virtual it can be re implemented by its child classes using the override modifier, which is only optional for a child class, whereas if any class declared a method as abstract implementation of the method has to be provided by its child classes using overrode modifier only, which is mandatory for child classes to provide the implementation
An abstract class can contain abstract and non- abstract members in it, if at all a class contains abstract members in it until and unless the abstract members are implemented under the childe class, childe class cannot consume non-abstract members of parent
 Note – An abstract class is never useable to itself because we cannot create the object of an abstract class. 
- Add a class AbsParent.cs and write the following code:
    abstract class AbsParent
        public void Add(int x, int y)
        Console.WriteLine(x + y);
     public void sub(int x, int y)
            Console.WriteLine(x - y);
     public abstract void Mul(int x, int y);
     public abstract void Div(int x, int y);

- Add a class AbsChild.cs and write the following code:
    class AbsChild : AbsParent
        public override  void Mul(int x, int y)
        Console.WriteLine(x * y);
     public override void Div(int x, int y)
        Console.WriteLine(x / y);
        static void Main()
            AbsChild obj = new AbsChild();
            obj.Add(100, 50); obj.sub(20, 10);

            obj.Mul(57, 29); obj.Div(1200, 600);


- To test this rewrite the code under main method of class  AbsChild.cs as following:
            AbsChild obj = new AbsChild();
            AbsParent p = obj;
            p.Add(100, 50); p.sub(20, 10);

            p.Mul(57, 29); p.Div(1200, 600);

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